The Canadian government has announced that it will require pay-TV providers to allow customers to pay for only those channels they actually watch.
According to
The Canadian Press, Canada’s Minister of Industry James Moore said, "We don't think people should be forced to buy bundled television channels when they're not interested in watching those channels and those shows. We should have a pick-and-pay model when it comes to television channels." Though he said the government does not intend to impose “onerous regulations,” Moore added that “the best interest of consumers need to be enforced in the marketplace."
Several Canadian pay-TV companies have already offered a limited degree of “pick-and-pay” which have been wildly successful with consumers; but the companies were not required to do so. Now, the Canadian government will require Cable Choice of all pay-TV companies.
In the U.S., the vast entertainment conglomerates have long resisted pressure for change, and allowing Americans the same freedom Canadians have. Senator John McCain has proposed similar legislation, the Television Consumer Freedom Act, but it has languished in the Senate since its introduction.
Canada’s government is standing up for the rights of its citizens not to be forced to pay for something they don’t want and never use. The question has to be asked: when will America’s?
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