CVS recently announced that the company will not alter beauty images in its marketing materials. In a joint op-ed at
Fox News Opinion, Parents Television Council Advisory Board Member and Cover Girl Culture Director Nicole Clark and PTC Program Director Melissa Henson wrote about how CVS should be “applauded for its recent decision to stop ‘materially’ altering the beauty imagery in its marketing materials that appear in its stores and on its websites and social media channels.”
#MeToo movement has been a powerful tool in calling attention to the everyday sexism and sexual objectification that pervades the entertainment industry, and other industries, too. But so far, the movement does not appear to have touched the advertising industry, where young women and girls continue to be sexualized and objectified; Photoshopped and airbrushed so that they are barely recognizable; and then trotted out in retail outlets, magazines, and billboards as the standard of beauty all women must strive to attain,” they wrote.
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