Let’s Make Sure “Hazbin Hotel” Becomes a Hollywood Has-Been

Written by PTC | Published May 25, 2024

These are perilous times for children.

The carefree days of innocent childhood, unburdened by the corrupting influence of predatory entertainment companies, are over. From the comfort of their plush offices, they are pumping out depraved “entertainment” that attacks everything you stand for.

And one of the most toxic programs out there right now is a cartoon called “Hazbin Hotel” that airs on Amazon Prime Video. It attempts to make good seem evil, and evil seem winsome.

That’s why we are asking you to take action now.

Click here now to send your letter to Andy Jassy, the CEO of Amazon, asking him to pull “Hazbin Hotel” from their streaming platform.

Season 2 is reportedly already in production, so now is the perfect time to make sure that “Hazbin Hotel” becomes a Hollywood has-been.

The setting of this dark, animated “comedy” is hell, but not the hell you and I envision. It’s portrayed as a place of freedom where you can have fun and indulge all your sexual and perverse desires. In the premiere episode, viewers are introduced to the lone guest at the hotel a recurring character named “Angel.” He offers to film a p*rn commercial to advertise the hotel, bragging that his “body was made to be exploited.”

Meanwhile, the citizens of heaven are portrayed as cruel, misogynistic, and vulgar. The lead angel, Adam, declares, “I’m the original d**k. All d**ks descend from me . . . Call me d**kmaster.” Total depravity is on full display regardless of which side of the cosmic divide is being depicted. The dialogue is an uncensored string of f**k, s**t, and other foul language.

When the “Hazbin Hotel” pilot first premiered on YouTube, it garnered an amazing 93 MILLION views! In no time, it became an instant cult classic among teens. Millions of raunchy video clips are being shared by teens on platforms such as TikTok. The show now has a large following of pre-teen girls who walk around with “Hazbin Hotel” backpacks and stickers.

Experts agree that entertainment is one of the most powerful influencers—for good or evil—in our culture. Sadly, Amazon Prime has chosen the latter.

Shows such as “Hazbin Hotel” are nothing less than a blatant attack on the values you hold dear. Please take just a moment now to sign and return your personal plea to Mr. Jassy to do the right thing on behalf of America’s children and teens.

At the same time, please consider making a much-needed donation to PTC. We need your participation and financial support to take on corporate giants like Amazon.

Because the children in your life are watching.

Take Action. Stay Informed.