Written by PTC | Published March 19, 2020
We were overwhelmed by the positive response to our last e-mail of recommendations for family-suitable entertainment and online educational tools. Based on your feedback, we’ve pulled together some additional resources to help you and your family cope with this unexpected and unprecedented turn of events. |
Our friends at VidAngel are providing two free weeks of their content filtering app. This free period includes access to their family-friendly stand-up comedy platform Dry Bar Comedy, and their biblical drama The Chosen. VidAngel allows you to stream movies and TV programs into your home via Netflix and other popular streaming platforms, while skipping past any explicit content that you might find objectionable. You can click here to take advantage of this free offer and to learn more about content filtering: https://www.vidangel.com/ |
Our friends at Movie Guide have assembled a Coronavirus Streaming Survival Guide for families, with family-appropriate streaming video recommendations that cover a number of streaming services and interests: |
Safe for Kids |
Sports |
Romance |
Faith |
Justice |
Military |
Below are some other free online resources and events you and your family might enjoy while you’re stuck at home: |
We are here to serve you. If there’s something you want to see that isn’t listed above, or if you know of any resources that might be a blessing to other families, please feel free to share your thoughts with us. |
In the meantime, take care of yourselves and your loved ones. |