Written by PTC | Published April 4, 2016
The TV networks claim that they have provided families with tools, such as the V-Chip, descriptor indicators, and TV ratings, which allow parents to protect their children by blocking harmful or unwanted programming. But parents, mental health professionals, national surveys, and scientific research all agree that these tools are not effective in protecting children. The TV content ratings system is administered by the very businesses it is supposed to be regulating: TV networks. The same companies that create media content rate the content, and they run the board which oversees the ratings process. This is a conflict of interest which would never be tolerated in any other regulatory body.
- Regularly-scheduled series rated TV-G (appropriate for all audiences) have been eliminated from prime time. In all practicality, family shows rated for all audiences do not exist;
- There are fewer programs on prime-time broadcast television rated TV-PG;
- For example, from 1997 to 2014, there was a 38% decrease in the number of hours networks aired TV-PG programming during prime time, thus significantly reducing viewing options for families.
- There are fewer differences between the content of programs rated TV-PG and those rated TV-14;
- Graphic content on television is increasing in both amount and intensity; yet
- All content on broadcast television is rated as appropriate for a 14-year-old child. Despite containing explicit content, no continuing program on broadcast television is rated TV-MA, appropriate for mature audiences only.