Written by PTC | Published January 23, 2017
The Parents Television Council announced its enthusiastic support for the appointment of FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai as the Commission’s new Chairman.
“It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with Commissioner Pai to protect the interests of children and families on matters that have come before the FCC in recent years. During his tenure at the FCC, Commissioner Pai has demonstrated his support for enforcing the longstanding broadcast indecency law, which gives the FCC authority to protect the publicly-owned broadcast airwaves from indecent content during times of the day when children are likely to be watching. He has always been a conscientious listener when the PTC has raised other matters of concern. And as a father of young children himself, he understands that media content can have a powerful and profound impact on children. We applaud today’s appointment of Commissioner Ajit Pai as the new FCC Chairman. We stand ready, willing and able to help him on matters of mutual concern,” said PTC President Tim Winter.