Parents Television Council President Tim Winter commended Intuit at its annual shareholders meeting for dramatically changing its TV sponsorship practices over the past year.
At last year’s meeting, the PTC urged the company to change its ad practices and sponsor more family-friendly television programming over programs containing sex, violence, and profanity.
Mr. Winter gave the following statement at the meeting:
“As you may recall, a representative from the PTC attended last year’s annual meeting to express concern about the company’s advertising practices. We noted examples of extremely violent and sexually explicit programming that the company’s media dollars were underwriting. You introduced us to your Chief Marketing Officer, Ms. Donahue, and subsequently we communicated with her about the company’s media-buying practices.
“Today, I am happy to report that Intuit has gone from being one of the worst corporate sponsors to one of the best. We thank you and your team for taking our concerns to heart and correcting course so quickly.
“Intuit’s diligent efforts are not just good for families; they’re good for the shareholders, too. Researchers at Ohio State, Michigan and Iowa State Universities have found that television viewers are less likely to recall the product being advertised if the advertisement airs within violent or sexually-explicit programming. And Walmart’s chief marketing officer has stated publicly that their media dollars generate an additional 18% return on investment if aired during ‘safe’ programming compared to explicit programming.
“We know adhering to such strict media-buying standards is not easy. But Intuit is a prime example of how a company can support positive programming while at the same time successfully reaching its target markets.
“So Mr. Smith, on behalf of children and families across America, I thank you. Thank you for Intuit’s change of direction, thank you for implementing these changes so effectively, and congratulations on the company’s financial success. We will be sharing this news with our members and urging them to consider Intuit’s leadership when it comes time to purchase business and financial management solutions.”