Written by PTC | Published October 3, 2019
The Parents Television Council is urgently warning parents about the new film, Joker, that opens in theaters this weekend.“Along with the Alamo Drafthouse, and several movie critics, we want to warn parents about the extremely violent content in the Joker film that is being released nationwide this weekend. Despite its R-rating, parents may believe that this film is appropriate for kids given that it is an extension of the popular Batman franchise. Film critics have described the film’s horrific violence committed by the Joker and even criticized the timing of a film that asks viewers to sympathize with one man’s all-too-realistic decent into darkness,” said PTC President Tim Winter.“We applaud Alamo for its unprecedented warning to parents about not taking their children to see this film because of its ‘very, very rough language, brutal violence, and overall bad vibes.’“With the Joker, Hollywood continues its war on kids by turning a comic book-themed franchise into violence-porn. Scientific research has concluded that media violence is among the top three contributing factors to societal violence. Our own research has found that violence in comic book-themed TV shows is increasing.“Hollywood cannot have it both ways – they cannot herald the entertainment they produce and distribute for its ability to change the world for good, while refuting the harmful impact it can have when the content is violent, sexually explicit, or profane.”