Our members are making a difference!
This week, because of the thousands of concerned citizens who made phone calls or sent e-mails last week, there were NO ads for Sprint or Samsung on the most recent episode of Dating Naked.
We have more good news to report, too. The advertisers we’ve heard back from have all told us that they never intended to buy time on
Dating Naked – that VH1 dropped their ads in without their permission. That means VH1 is having a hard time finding companies to buy time on this show.
There is still work to do!
On Wednesday night, VH1 aired the third episode of Dating Naked, and… surprisingly, family-friendly Panera Bread was a sponsor for the second weeek in a row.
We need your voice! Take Action Now!
Click here to contact Panera Bread and let them know what you think about their decision to advertise on Dating Naked!
Dating Naked is a trashy gimmick, and any company that chooses to sponsor it does so with full knowledge of what they are paying for!
That’s why we need you to take action immediately! Advertisers need to hear from you. They need to know that they cannot sponsor content like this without risk of losing customers.
Please, take action today… Because Our Children Are Watching
UPDATE: As of the July 21st episode, Panera Bread appears to have stopped sponsoring "Dating Naked"