Miley Cyrus is beloved by millions of young women who were fans of her work on the Disney Channel’s
Hannah Montana. But MTV’s
Video Music Awards blatantly sexualized the former Disney kid with a quasi-pornographic dance routine, while rating the show appropriate for 14-year-olds – and every pay-TV subscriber funded it.
Cyrus’ performance began with the singer emerging from the belly of a gigantic teddy bear. Leaning against a doorpost, she stuck out her tongue, and revealed her outfit – a corset with a picture of a bear on it.
Launching into a dance routine, Miley “spanked” various other dancers, as they did the same to her. She then stripped off her corset, revealing a flesh-colored bikini, while shaking her buttocks provocatively.
Then singer Robin Thicke -- himself no stranger to sexualizing women, considering his song "Blurred Lines" contains "rapey" lyrics like, "you're an animal, baby it's in your nature," -- joined Miley, who donned a huge foam “#1” finger, which she used to simulate sex acts.
This performance was more appropriate for a strip club than an awards show on basic cable…especially one that was rated TV-14 by MTV, meaning that MTV thought the show was totally appropriate for 14-year-olds. Indeed, by rating the show TV-14, MTV deliberately aimed the program at an audience of children.
There’s plenty of blame to go around for Cyrus’ sex show. Miley Cyrus chose to perform the routine; but it’s hard to believe that MTV made any attempt to get the performer to “tone it down.” In fact, it’s more likely the network egged her on, and urged Miley to be more extreme. It wouldn’t be the first time MTV used the
VMAs to court controversy.
But in another way, the entire entertainment industry is to blame, for forcing every cable and satellite subscriber in America to fund such programming. Maybe a tiny minority would enjoy watching Miley Cyrus’ sex club antics, or seeing Lady Gaga strip down to a clamshell bra and thong; but the vast majority wouldn’t. Yet they are forced to pay for MTV, along with literally hundreds of other channels they never watch, don’t want, and even find offensive.
Video Music Awards prove exactly why cable and satellite subscribers want, need, and deserve Cable Choice. Senator John McCain’s recently-introduced Television Consumer Freedom Act will allow subscribers to pay for only those channels they want to watch.
We at the PTC urge all readers to contact their Senators and Congressmen, and urge them to support the Television Consumer Freedom Act.
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