Reject DISNEY’S DESTRUCTION of Our Children
To Every Chief Executive, Marketing Executive, or Corporate Board Member:
Please don’t advertise on Disney’s depraved, dangerous shows.
I’m sickened by many obscene, sexually graphic, violent, dark, and harmful programs provided by The Disney Company and its affiliates FX and Hulu. STOP all commercial or digital advertising on Disney shows like the cartoon Little Demon (starring Satan, and which jokes about eating babies’ heads and having sex with corpses), PEN15 (where a teen girl is depicted masturbating in front of her laptop camera), and A Teacher (which romanticizes predatory sex acts between an adult and a minor). These programs are marketed to kids!
Disney is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. During an epidemic of child sexual abuse, depression, and suicide, Disney is an abuser. Disney’s abuse should not be supported. Taking advantage of its family-friendly reputation, Disney is deliberately creating and marketing—to children—content that will hurt them.
I/We stand with the Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) in this demand and will rely on its watchdog research to monitor your accountability to our children.