Petition of Warning to: AT&T re: EUPHORIA Stop Your Child Porn or Prepare to Face Legal Consequences

To: AT&T Board of Directors:

William E. Kennard, Chairman
Samuel A. DiPiazza, Jr.
Scott T. Ford
Glenn H. Hutchins
Debra L. Lee
Stephen J. Luczo
B. McCallister
Beth E. Mooney
Matthew K. Rose
John Stankey, CEO of AT&T
Cynthia B. Taylor
Luis A. Ubiñas
Geoffrey Y. Yang Michael

You are all accomplished people. Therefore, you know that AT&T has ultimate authority over HBO and its programming, including HBO’s hit series aimed at teens and even preteens, Euphoria. You are morally responsible for the damage caused by this pornographic, nihilistic, depression-inducing, drug- romanticizing series. You deserve to be brought to justice for what you have done to America’s children.

Have you ever watched Euphoria? Would you allow your child or grandchild to watch it? If so, your child or grandchild would consume the following into their minds and hearts:

  • 30 penises on screen in one scene—which is typical of the nudity and sex in each episode.
  • An adult man raping a minor, both frontally nude.
  • Women being choked while having sex and other violent sex scenes involving minors.
  • A teenage boy having a graphic dream about being raped and sodomized by his father.
  • The F-word used an average of 100 times per episode.
  • A steady stream of drug use.
  • A reinforced view that life is pointless and that, therefore, it is reasonable to seek remedies in ways that are toxic, including drugs, sex, or self-harm.

Many of the sex scenes are child pornography. They involve minors. They feed the appetites of pedophiles. Many Euphoria scenes now appear on hardcore porn sites. This is child porn. And you are responsible. Morally responsible. And perhaps legally responsible. Remember, we are in an epidemic of child sexual abuse, depression, and addiction, and you know there is strong evidence of a media-driven cause and effect.

I stand with Parents Television and Media Council and its members across America to warn you that if you do not remove Euphoria from access by children and pedophiles, the documented instances of child porn will be referred to federal and state law enforcement, as well as PTC’s allies in Congress of both parties. I will continue to follow PTC to learn what decisions you make. Think of the children.

Take Action. Stay Informed.