Senator Sam Brownback is the senior Senator representing Kansas, elected to the U.S. Senate in November 1996 to fill the remainder of the vacancy caused by the resignation of Bob Dole. In the Senate, Brownback serves on the prestigious Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, as well as on the Committee on Governmental Affairs, where he chairs the Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management and the District of Columbia; the Committee on Foreign Relations, where he chairs the Subcommittee on the Middle East; and the Joint Economic Committee. Prior to his election to the Senate, Brownback served one term as a Republican Congressman representing the Second District of Kansas.
Brownback was born September 12, 1956, and grew up near Parker, Kansas on a family farm which his family still owns and operates. Brownback received a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in Agricultural Economics from Kansas State University, and a law degree from the University of Kansas. While at K-State, he was elected student body president and served as state president and as a national officer of the Future Farmers of America. Brownback is the co-author of two books and numerous articles. He is a frequent lecturer on trade, agriculture, leadership, and motivation.