BCC: Advertisers@ParentsTV.org
SUBJECT: Subway’s Ads on “Little Demon”
Ads for Subway appeared on the most recent episode of FXX’s “Little Demon.”
I am writing you today to urge you to instruct your ad buyers to put “Little Demon” on your “Do Not Buy” list.
The program centers on a 13-year-old girl who has just discovered that her Wiccan mother slept with the devil and she is the antichrist.
Episodes have contained animated female frontal nudity, dozens of f-words and s-words; gore, occult violence, sexual violence and more.
I am appalled by the content of the show, and will not support any company that buys ads on it.
Either this type of graphic content is consistent with Subway’s brand and corporate image, or it isn’t.
If you are interested in keeping my business, Subway must side with families and against “Little Demon.”
Your ad dollars are the lifeblood of the TV industry. Content like this can only proliferate if companies like yours are willing to underwrite it. Please do the right thing, and pull your ad dollars from “Little Demon.”