PTC: Hollywood Should Embrace “Aspirational” Content

Written by PTC | Published September 1, 2021

LOS ANGELES (September 1, 2021) – The Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) has called on the entertainment industry to seek out and produce more aspirational content, in light of the popularity of Apple TV’s Ted Lasso.

“Audiences – and particularly families – have always wanted lighter and more positive entertainment, but Hollywood has been reluctant to produce it. Given the popularity of Apple TV’s Ted Lasso, it appears Hollywood is finally taking notice of the desire for aspirational content. We are here to cheer this trend on and to add our voices to those calling for more uplifting entertainment,” said PTC President Tim Winter.

“To be sure, not all ‘aspirational’ content is necessarily family-friendly, as even Ted Lasso contains frequent explicit language and other content that may be inappropriate for children. But Hollywood would be wise to embrace this trend and move away from the tsunami of sexually explicit, graphically violent and obscenity-laden darkness that is so ubiquitous in entertainment programming today.”

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