Written by PTC | Published July 14, 2022
LOS ANGELES (July 14, 2022) – The Parents Television and Media Council(PTC) has called on Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos to personally review and increase the age-based content rating for Stranger Things, in light of new research finding that the TV-14-rated program has steadily introduced more explicit adult content with each new season resulting in a shocking increase of uncensored profanity and graphic violence.
“Our research found that explicit language including the ‘f-word’ and ‘s-word’ air uncensored numerous times in Stranger Things – a line that was historically rarely crossed in programs rated for 13- and 14-year-olds. The frequency of this explicit language plus an increase in graphic violence should warrant a TV-MA rating and we call Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos to personally ensure Stranger Things’ TV-14 rating is increased,” said PTC President Tim Winter.
The Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) analyzed the program content of each episode of all four seasons of Stranger Things utilizing content filtering data from the streaming video company VidAngel. Major findings include:
“While Netflix has never been afraid to use a TV-MA rating, we suspect it wants to attract a broad audience for Stranger Things and has rated it TV-14 for that reason. However, Stranger Things’ later seasons are clearly being rated inappropriately considering the amount of explicit content. It is imperative that the TV rating system is accurate in order to be useful to parents,” Winter said.