PTC Warns MTV VMAs Not to Violate Indecency Law

Written by PTC | Published September 9, 2021

LOS ANGELES (September 9, 2021) – The Parents Television and Media Council (PTC) is warning MTV to keep the annual Video Music Awards (VMAs) free from indecent content, given that the live broadcast will be simulcast on The CW, a network subject to the broadcast indecency law.

“Ostensibly a celebration for the music industry, in reality MTV’s VMA broadcast has been an annual epicenter for profane, sexually-charged, drug-infused entertainment. And yet Viacom routinely markets the show as appropriate for children to watch, via its self-prescribed TV-14 content rating,” said PTC President Tim Winter.

“Perhaps this year’s program will be different. We hope so, though we won’t hold our breath. We will, however, be monitoring the program’s content. With the VMA simulcast over the publicly-owned airwaves on the CW network, Viacom/MTV needs to be mindful that it doesn’t violate the broadcast indecency law.”

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