End of an Era?

Written by PTC | Published March 1, 2013

Seth MacFarlane has built a career on programs that wallow in misogyny and anti-Semitism; joke about violence against women, rape, pedophilia, incest, and bestiality; and even ridiculing children with disabilities. Knowing this, the Academy still chose to invite MacFarlane to host the 2013 Academy Awards, where he proceeded to offend and outrage millions of viewers with racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic jokes, and attempts to sexualize a nine-year old honoree. Therefore, we the undersigned are calling on the Motion Picture Academy to formally announce that they will not be inviting Seth MacFarlane to host any future Oscar awards. - See more at: http://w2.parentstv.org/Main/Action/ActionAlerts/aa_2013_02_27.aspx

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