This family-centered and family-friendly reality show from the UP network details the lives of parents with sextuplets.
Growing Up McGhee
Network: UP
Airdate: Wednesdays, 9:00 p.m. ET
Release Date: enter date here
Recommended age: 5+
Overall PTC Traffic Light Rating: Green
Mia and Rozanno McGhee are the proud (but exhausted) parents of sextuplets: six five-year-old children in kindergarten. In between running their own carpet cleaning business and Ro’s work as a pastor, Ro and Mia must deal with the antics of loving Elijah, laid-back Ro Jr., mischevious Josiah, center of attention Issac, bossy Madison and drama queen Olivia. With help from Ro’s mother Cilky, the McGhee’s make life work…but with six little ones underfoot, it’s never boring.
Growing Up McGhee has no offensive content. It offers a look at a positive, upbeat, and loving family, similar to UP’s Bringing Up Bates. Unlike that show, however, Growing Up McGhee’s children are all the same age. Anyone who enjoys watching cute young children will enjoy this program, while Mia and Ro’s struggles and willingness to put their children first are an inspiration to parents everywhere.
The PTC is proud to award UP’s
Growing Up McGhee with the
PTC Seal of Approval.TM This program is recommended for all viewers over age five.
To learn more about Growing Up McGhee, click here.