Tim Conway is known to his peers as “the comedian’s comedian,” and is widely considered one of the funniest men performing today. Born in Willoughby, Ohio, Tim had a fast rise in show business from staff member of a Cleveland TV station to star of television, stage and screen.
Tim became a regular on The Steve Allen Show, a featured performer on McHale’s Navy, and eventually became a regular performer on The Carol Burnett Show. Tim starred in a series of his own TV shows and has won five Emmy Awards for acting and one for writing.
His movies include The World’s Greatest Athlete, The Apple Dumpling Gang, The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again, Dear God, The Longshot, The Billion Dollar Hobo, They Went That Way and That Way, The Prizefighter, The Private Eyes. (The last five movies, Tim wrote himself.)
Has also been inducted into the TV Hall of Fame. Tim received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1989 and is actively involved in several charities.
Website: www.timconwaylive.com/